Saturday, September 26, 2020


Let your work be seen by your servants 
and your glory by their children; 
and may the gracious care 
of the Lord our God be ours; 
prosper the work of our hands for us! 
Prosper the work of our hands! 
Psalm 90:16-17

Number your days aright so that you may gain wisdom of heart and be freshly renewed each morning. . .

Prosperity is God's way of showing His love and gracious care. He alone can prosper the work of your hands. Your existence, journey, and destiny in the world is at the palm of God's hands. Be thankful for the miracle of life that the Lord gives you each day. His hand is always there to guide you, from your past to the future.

Always begin your day with the Lord who fills you up with His glory and riches, making your joy full and complete. God's work has brought tremendous blessings over your life each day. His love and kindness gives you a new life each morning. His gracious care works for your good and welfare.

Amidst the storms and uncertainties of life, the Lord continues to prosper the work of your hands. He gives you peace and abundance which is in contrast and opposite to what you see around you, a world and its people trembling in fear and terror.

You have seen the works of the Lord and His glory shall remain even to your future generation. His gracious care is yours each day, prospering the work of your hands.

February 11, 2017, 9:45 AM